DFG-Sonderforschungsbereich 555 "Komplexe Nichtlineare Prozesse"

Fritz-Haber-Institut der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft, Hahn-Meitner-Institut, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg, Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt, Technische Universität Berlin, Universität Potsdam

"Complex Nonlinear Processes in Chemistry and Biology"

Honorary Chairman: Gerhard Ertl

Organizers:M. Bär, B. Blasius, H. Engel, M. Falcke, Th. Höfer, A. S. Mikhailov, S. C. Müller
Address:Richard-Willstätter-Haus, Faradayweg 10, 14195 Berlin-Dahlem. (Click here for a description how to get there.)

For information please contact Oliver Rudzick, Tel. (030) 8413 5300, rudzick@fhi-berlin.mpg.de.

[This is the old program from WS 2006/07. The current program and contact information can be found here.]

16 October 2006, 17:00

Hsuan-Yi Chen (Department of Physics and Graduate School of Biophysics, National Central University, Taiwan)
Models of nonequilibrium domains in biomembranes [Abstract]

03 November 2006, 16:00

Ichiro Tsuda (Research Institute for Electronic Science, Hokkaido University, Sapporo, Japan)
Modeling episodic brain memory [Abstract]

17 November 2006, 16:00

Marc-Thorsten Hütt (School of Engineering and Science, International University Bremen IUB)
Exploring biological networks with dynamic probes [Abstract]

24 November 2006, 16:00

Yuka Tabe (Department of Applied Physics, Waseda University, Tokyo, Japan)
Dissipative structures in molecular thin films [Abstract]

01 December 2006, 16:00, Habervilla, Faradayweg 8

Carsten Beta (Department of Fluid Dynamics, Pattern Formation and Nanobiocomplexity, MPI for Dynamics and Self-Organization, Göttingen)
Directional sensing - an experimental approach based on microfluidics [Abstract]

19 January 2007, 16:00

James Sneyd (Dept. of Mathematics, University of Auckland, New Zealand)
Calcium oscillations: Using mathematics to do physiology

Oscillations in the concentration of calcium inside cells (practically every single cell in your body) control a large number of processes, ranging from muscular contraction, to saliva secretion, to gene expression, to cell differentiation. Because the underlying dynamics are so complicated and highly nonlinear, mathematical models are useful for helping us understand these oscillations. I'll present one example of how a mathematical model can help us understand some fundamental things about calcium oscillations, and help us design experiments to test our hypotheses. Conversely, I'll then show how these models can pose new and nontrivial mathematical questions.

02 February 2007, 16:00

Vadim N. Biktashev (Dept. of Mathematical Sciences, University of Liverpool, UK)
Asymptotic approaches to cardiac excitation models [Abstract]

16 February 2007, 16:00

Chaiya Luengviriya (Institut für Experimentelle Physik, Universität Magdeburg)
Scroll wave instabilities in a chemical excitable medium [Abstract]

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Seminar program SS 2006

Seminar program WS 2005/06

Seminar program SS 2005

Seminar program WS 2004/05

last modified: December 19, 2006 / Oliver Rudzick

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